As we connect more and more with God and grow in our love and maturity the desire to serve also grows strong within us. Sometimes we are unaware of opportunities, we're not sure where we best fit or we just don't know where to start when it comes to Christian service. The best way to tackle these issues is with someone else. We'd like to walk with you. If you are not already connected with the Utica church of Christ, CONTACT US and let us know.
We'd love to help.

Serve on Sunday
There are many opportunities to serve the church family on Sunday. You can teach, lead worship, clean, greet visitors and more!
Work with your mentor to identify areas of service that might line up with how God has been preparing you and in ways that you might be ready to be challenged

40 Day Prayer Challenge
Go deeper and wider in your prayer life. Get the devotional guide or the prayer journal.

Scripture Writing Plan
For some foundational thoughts and creative ideas check out. https://embracingthelovely.com/ultimate-guide-to-scripture-writing/
The recommended starting plan for the "Serve" map can be found here: http://www.swtblessings.com/2018/08/september-scripture-writing-plan.html

Your God-given S.H.A.P.E.
Take the assessment at www.freeshapetest.com
Have the results sent to your mentor for discussion
Get some insight into how God might be “shaping” you for ministry
Dig deeper with the book called SHAPE by Erik Rees

Go on a Mission Trip
Find a way to go someplace where there is a lot of need for helpers: a foreign mission or domestic disaster relief
Gather some friends and share the experience.

When Helping Hurts
Well-intentioned service can not always accomplish what we hope.
Watch these 6 sessions on When Helping Hurts
Poverty is much more than simply a lack of material resources, and it takes much more than donations and handouts to solve it.
Click on the PDF to download a companion workbook

Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman
Are you a follower of Jesus or merely a fan?
Watch the 6 episodes of Not a Fan and observe how committing to truly following Jesus can affect the lives of those around you.
Get a copy of the 42 day devotional guide to assist you in your journey

One Another Challenge
A theme of the New Testament scriptures are the "one another" verses
Identify, read and practice the appropriate "one another" actions from the Bible