This week's lesson is the only miracle that is found in all 4 gospel accounts: the feeding of the 5,000.
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-15
Though not included in our ministry kits that went out in August, this was one of our "Journey with Jesus" lessons. The themes we were identifying here are compassion and service. Namely compassion that Jesus had on the crowds and the service of the boy who offered his lunch for the crowds.

What are some ways you can tell this story and teach the main ideas to your children this week?
Here are some of our ideas:
1. Telling The Story
A. Read the story from your favorite version of the Bible
consider the perspectives of the following: the crowds, the boy with the fish and loaves, the disciples, and Jesus.
be vivid in your descriptions and set the stage. Try to get your children to put themselves in the story - feel the heat of the day and the hunger in their bellies, the joy of being fed and the awe of the miracle.
B. Have a picnic lunch in your yard or at a park. Read the book, "What's for lunch?" (Utica church families will be receiving this in the mailboxes soon). Use this setting to tell the story of Jesus' love and one boy's generosity.
2. Review the memory verse: Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
How does this story help us to focus on the good things? What are the good things in your life? Give thanks and praise to God for them.
3. Go and do... There are still many in our world who need compassion. Are there groups of people that capture your heart? We may not be able to miraculously feed multitudes, but we can help others. Who can you help? How can you do it this week? Make a plan and make it happen!
- bring food to a local food pantry
- mow a lawn or go to the store for someone with limited mobility
- encourage someone with a phone/video call or note
4. As You Go...
A. For dinner one night put all of the meat on one person's plate and all the vegetables on another. Do the same with other side dishes. If you have more families members, give one person the salt, pepper and any appropriate condiments, another person can get all of the napkins or all of the flatware.
How can everyone successfully eat a well-balanced meal?
Everyone has to share.
Have fun with this and use it as a bridge to tell or re-tell this week's story.
B. Watch this video:
Next time your kid asks for some screen time, cue up this 2 minute telling of the feeding of 5,000 or one from your favorite creators.
Make sure to add your own ideas, ask questions and encourage others! Thanks and God Bless you this week as you teach your children.