The book of Hebrews is a plea for people to stop drifting and to hold on tight to the faith they have in Jesus Christ. To make the appeal, the author holds Jesus up to His alternatives and concludes that Jesus is a better messenger with a better message, He is a better covenant bearer with a better covenant, He is a better high priest with a better sacrifice and He is a better leader because He is not just a servant but also the Son of God.
Though we do not always choose the way that is better, most of the time, when it is spelled out clearly to us, we do.
In the USA in 2020, most of us are not tempted to drift away from Christianity in favor of Judaism. We aren't lured by the leadership of Moses, the covenant of Abraham, or the sacrifices of bulls and goats. That being said, there is no shortage of forces competing to get our attention away from the life-giving words of Jesus.
How can we impress these truths on our children this week?
Sing some songs. I could not get Fairest Lord Jesus ( out of my head this week. What are some other songs that you can think of that reinforce the greatness of Christ? Who's the king of the jungle?
The broken record of, "live by example." It is the best way we teach our children but seeing the reality of Jesus being more important than things and how that makes you a better person and parent will make following Jesus more desirable to our children.

The picture above is a snippet from the "splink" newsletter you can sign up for at D6 families. You can apply the same logic to the greatness of Jesus...
4. Read Jesus' call to follow Him from Matthew 10:32-39; 16:24-27; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 9:57-62; and Luke 14:25-33. Discuss with your family the things that people often put ahead of following Jesus.
5. We are constantly making decisions based on what is "better" - we bought this instead of that because it was a better deal. We ate this instead of that because it is better for us, etc. Try to capture some of those decision-making moments and remind your children about the greatness of Jesus Christ.