Jesus' parables are pretty great. Some of the concepts and ideas, themes, and stories have been head-scratchers - how do I teach this to my kid? You come across Jesus talking to His disciples about the sower and the seed and, well, there you have it.
Tell the story. Explain the parable.
We're in November in NY, so not a lot of new things are growing, but it is a great time to reflect on what did grow and what didn't and why? These are observations you can make while doing some yard work together or getting some outside time before the brutally cold weather comes. The main thing is to remember to do it. Make a plan. Make it happen.
Matthew 13; Mark 4; Luke 8
What are some other ways you can teach these truths this week as you go?
Here are some more bits of help:
Jesus talks in this parable a lot about hearing and understanding. Most families deal with communication issues related to someone trying to shout from one room to another or one floor to another. TV or music playing, dogs barking or other noise can make it hard for us to communicate as well. Sometimes someone is lost in their phone or in a book and doesn't hear someone right next to them talking. Noise, barriers, and attention all influence our ability to hear and understand and can be purposefully connected to Jesus' story about the sower and the seed.
Malcom Mackinnon does some neat visuals on YouTube. Here is his presentation for children from this parable:
Go apple picking. How many apple trees can come from one apple? How many more apples could come from those trees? What would be needed for that to happen? How does God work in people like that?
Download and print a children's activity page like the one from sermons4kids. My kids love these:

Photo by Michael Weidner on Unsplash
Grace and peace as you go and impress these truths on your children's hearts this week.