We don't think that teaching your own child or children at home should be a burden. It is hard not to think that way sometimes when new ideas come into our already busy lives.

Here are 4 things to consider to make your goals of teaching your children about Jesus a lot more likely to happen:
1. Consider the source
Our recommendation is that you take the lesson you learn on Sunday with the rest of the adults and take some time to absorb it. Deuteronomy 6's first directives are to love the Lord your God will all of your heart, soul and strength and to let the commands of God be on your hearts. As we lead our households, if we are mindful of and meditating on certain themes from God's Word, that will come out i
n our actions and speech automatically.
2. Consider how to teach the same things to your children.
Maybe this should be #1... because having this mindset before you open your Bible or hear a lesson will create a lens for you to learn God's Word in a unique way. You could hear a story or analogy that you'll choose to note because you know it'll resonate with one of your children later on. Maybe they are hearing the same sermon and it can be an easy conversation starter. Take some time before, during and after the lesson to brainstorm ideas on how you might teach these things to your children.
3. Consider your weekly rhythms.
Each week we have the parts of our schedule that are fairly reliable and parts that are unique. Last year, every Tuesday night we'd take our two oldest children to the local community college for swim lessons. Every once in a while we'd take a day trip to the Adirondacks to climb a mountain.
These are all opportunities that we can make the most of or squander.
I can ask that question about the lesson in the car on the way to class or we can talk about whatever or not talk and just listen to music together. We can use our climb or being on top of a mountain as an opportunity to retell the story or make a spiritual connection or we can just climb...
4. Consider who else you can include.
Having a mindset to be regularly teaching your children about God opens up a ton of other ministry-related doors! Are there other kids in the neighborhood hanging around? Include them. Having someone from the church over for dinner? Ask them to retell the story or challenge them to come up with a related activity to do with your family. Maybe there are grandparents or family friends that you can regularly team up with. If it "takes a village," use your village as much as you can!