If you are nervous about flying in an airplane, then the most trying part of the flight might be the take-off. There is a lot of anxiety that builds in the anticipation of something going wrong and a lot is changing around you. You go from not moving, to traveling hundreds of miles per hour. You go from being connected to the earth to suspended in the air. If you can be brave through the beginning, it is often smooth sailing after that...

Here are 3 commitments for ensuring a less bumpy and more confident start to teaching your family at home about Jesus:
1. Commit to Jesus.
I said it before and here it is again - the truth is, if you are a parent who is dedicated to following Jesus, then regurgitating His love and teaching will come out in your life. For many, however we let the demands of life bog us down and Jesus gets relegated to the back burner of life.
"What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" Mark 8:36
"physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8
When your kids are grown and they reflect on everything they saw in you and learned from you - what do you want them to say?
2. Commit to making a plan.
Statistics say that you are much more likely to follow through with something if you write it down. The last post was on "4 things to consider." Starting there, your plan would take into consideration the lesson you've learned, the upcoming schedule that your family has, people outside of your immediate family you can work with and ideas from our page, as well as the rest of the world wide web.
3. Commit to the other families as they go...
Positive peer pressure isn't just for teenagers. We have a lot of influence on each other. Taking the time to encourage other moms and dads, posting a picture of an activity on Facebook, sharing a link for a great website, these things can all make a world of difference. We can help each other stay on track and succeed. The more people who say they'll commit to one another means there are more people committed to helping you succeed.